ASNT Fellows from the Greater Houston Section

At GHASNT, we are proud to have a strong lineage of ASNT Fellows among us.  A person awarded as ASNT Fellow is acknowledged and honored for outstanding service in the field of non-destructive testing.  Recipients have a history in the fields of research and development, application, teaching and/or management. A recipient must have demonstrated support for the Society through contributions and participation at the local and/or national level.  He/she must also have at least 15 years of professional NDT-related experience,  and have been a member of ASNT for not fewer than 10 years.  In addition, membership shall not have been interrupted more than two (2) times with at total interruption time not to exceed two (2) years. 

John T. Iman receives ASNT Fellow Award from ASNT past-president L. Terry Claussing.

John T. Iman receives ASNT Fellow Award from ASNT past-president L. Terry Claussing.

ASNT Fellow Recipients from GHASNT

1991  Roderic Stanley

1991  Hal Dale

1988  Donald Bray

1987  Syl Viaclovsky

1987  Frank Malek, Jr.

1987  Don Childers

1985  Robert East, Jr. 

1985  Dave Culbertson

1982  Charles Sherlock

1979  Robert Spinetti

1981  Lee Stroud

1979  Irving Boyce

1976  Joe Marx

1974  Bob Dunn 

2021 C. Deal Moore

2016  John Chen

2015  John T. Iman

2012  Gregory Hudkins

2011  Frederick “Skip” Hoyt

2009 Michael J. Ruddy

2005  Jerry Fulin

2005  David Bajula

2002 Danny Keck

1998  Morteza Jafari

 1997  Nat Faransso

1994  Chuck Woodruff

1992  Bob Cameron